Join our Camp Hoover Staff for the Summer!

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Every summer our year-round staff is joined by an amazing group of summer camp staff! We take pride in having staff that are responsible and courageous, and who love to have fun and to serve as positive role-models for our campers. Many of our staff members return year after year to give our campers the best camp experience. If this sounds like you, we encourage you to apply!

Camp Hoover logo

Camp Hoover is located on Song Lake in Tully, NY. We have been proudly providing camping and outdoor experiences since 1929. Many of our campers are Girl Scouts, but we welcome non-Girl Scouts, too!

What we are looking for in our staff:

  • Interest in working with children

  • Loves the outdoors

  • Loves to have fun, be silly, and not take yourself too seriously!

Open Positions:

  • The Counselor is responsible for all caregiving responsibilities of their assigned group of campers. Counselors are responsible for providing activity supervision throughout each day along with instruction at chosen program area. Counselors will work as a team with their co-counselors to ensure a fun and safe environment. 

    Must be at least 17 years of age.

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  • This position requires the development and implementation of an age-appropriate curriculum for instruction of all aspects of the program specialty area assigned for all campers. Specialists provide daily supervision of campers in assigned cabin unit and play an active role during unit time, meals and all camp activities. Work as a team with their co-counselors to ensure a fun and safe environment.

    Must be at least 18 years of age.

    Apply Now!

  • front Manager is responsible for overseeing the planning and delivery of all activities at the camp’s waterfront and ensuring that all waterfront activities occur in a safe and age-appropriate manner. The Waterfront Manager will regularly employ risk management skills, continuously ensuring camper and employee safety at the waterfront. The Waterfront Manager also works with all members of the Administrative Team to provide ample, constant support to the unit counselors. 

    Must be 21 years of age with current Lifeguarding, Waterfront, and Management certifications.

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  • The Lifeguard with Counselor Duties is responsible for providing supervision and ensuring a safe environment at the camp’s waterfront, assisting with all aspects of the waterfront’s operation. When not at the waterfront, lifeguards will assist the counselors with caregiving responsibilities of campers.  

    Must be at least 17 years of age with current Lifeguarding and Waterfront certification(s).

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  • The Health Supervisor is responsible for overseeing the health and safety of all campers and staff. The Health Supervisor will provide medical treatment to campers and staff in case of illness or emergencies within his or her scope of practice and maintain communication with parents where applicable. The Health Supervisor will also complete the medical check-in process of all campers, keep and review medical records, maintain and order medical equipment for the camp, distribute camper medication, and ensure that sanitation and safety practices are maintained throughout the camp. 

    Must be at least 21 years of age with at least one of the following: RN, LPN, EMT, or PA.

    Apply Now!

Playing in foam


  • Hoover is located on Song Lake in Tully, NY about 30 minutes from Syracuse. We are a Girl Scout camp that has been proudly serving Girl Scouts and the community since 1929.

  • Girl Scout and camping experience are a plus, but not required! We are looking for staff that are kind, caring, and will serve as positive role-models for our campers. If you have a positive attitude and love to have fun, we encourage you to apply!

  • All staff will attend our staff training, where you will learn everything you need to know to be an effective staff member. We love to have fun with everything we do at camp, and staff training is no exception!

  • Staff can commute from home and do not have to sleep on the property except the overnights. Non-local staff sleeps at Fern Lodge, with some staff assigned to sleep on the Island. Staff are also permitted to sleep in unoccupied cabins or platform tents if desired.

  • We offer weekend programs (Mom and Me and Troop Core), a 2-night Mini Session, and a 4-day Day Camp. During the weekend programs, campers are supervised by their parents/guardians or Troop Leaders. During the Mini Session and Day Camp, campers are supervised by camp staff. We strive to provide our campers with a jam-packed session of fun, where they can make new friends, gain confidence, and develop independence. We offer many activities, including swimming, boating, archery, tomahawk throwing, BB guns, crafts, games, campfires, songs, and more! Many of our campers return year after year and look forward to making new friends and trying new things.

    • A positive attitude

    • Responsible

    • Willing to try new things and have fun

    While prior experience is always a plus, we value a positive attitude over experience. We will train you in anything you need to know!

  • Our Day Camp Counselors and Lifeguards must be at least 17 by the start of employment. Program Specialists must be at least 18. Waterfront Manager and Health Supervisor must be at least 21.

Tomahawk Throwing