Troop Camp

Girl Scouts and their troop leaders will enjoy a fun, community-based camping weekend with classic camp activities like archery, swimming, boating, hiking and more. Facilitated by our camp staff. Meals are provided throughout the program.


  • The Troop Core Guide includes the packing list and other important information. It was emailed out to troop leaders who completed their troop’s registration for Troop Core. Leaders should share the information with all troop members who will be in attendance.

    Camp Amahami

    Camp Comstock

    Camp Hoover

    Camp Trefoil

  • Troop Core is a weekend filled with classic camp activities. Activities may include swimming, boating, shooting sports, crafts, gaga ball, a campfire, and more! All activities are facilitated by our trained camp staff. Some activities are age restricted.

  • No, camp registration is based on the grade that your girl is entering for the 2024-25 school year. Girl Scout levels are as follows:

    Daisy: Grades K-1

    Brownie: Grades 2-3

    Junior: Grades 4-5

    Cadette: Grades 6-8

    Senior: Grades 9-10

    Ambassador: Grades 11-12

  • Sleeping accommodations include platform tents and cabins. Troops may be sharing their sleeping quarters with other troops.

  • Capacities are site dependent. We will have a maximum of approximately 63-100 campers at Troop Core.

  • Your troop must have at least 2 adults attend the program and be within girl to adult ratio. Camp staff will be facilitating activities for your troop but will not be providing supervision.

  • None! Our summer camp staff will be providing all activity facilitation and covering any first-aid needs. So troop leaders do not need to have completed Simply Successful Camping (SSC) to attend.

  • Adults are welcome to participate in all activities alongside their troop members! If there are any activities you don’t want to join in on, that is okay too.

  • All meals are provided during your stay. We offer kid-friendly foods. Think spaghetti, pancakes, hamburgers, and more. If you have special dietary concerns, please be sure to note them during registration. We accommodate for all diets.

  • Yes, showers are available for your use.

  • Important items to bring: sleeping bag or twin size bedding, pillow, sneakers, bathing suit, towel, toiletries, flashlight, water bottle, clothing appropriate for the weather, and warm pajamas for sleeping.

  • During registration, you will indicate if any of your campers have any dietary restrictions, allergies, or other concerns. Troop leaders must have health history forms on hand for all girls and adults in attendance.

  • Reach out to us here or at